Ensign Partners

Business Owners / Executives

Minimizing Risk

As Business Owners / Executives, you are the engine of your business. Focused on growing the operation, it is easy to overlook protecting the business you have worked so hard to build. Our Risk Management Check-Up will verify your level of risk with your assets/income/expenses, plugging any gaps that may exist for you and your business.

Maximizing Wealth

For most Business Owners / Executives, reinvesting money back into the business is constant and expected. As the value of the business grows, so does your net worth. Our Wealth Management Check-Up will verify alignment of your business and personal assets with your personal and professional goals, ensuring maximum opportunity to grow assets inside and outside your business.

Fortifying Legal

Exposure to legal issues is a challenging part of owning a business. The more your business grows, the bigger target you and your business become. Our Legal Fortification Check-Up ensures your legal protection plans are in order, protecting you and your assets from lawsuits and bankruptcies.

Shielding Tax

Taxes are the kryptonite of all Business Owners / Executives. You need a tax team that explores every tax strategy possible to reduce taxes in systemic ways, not simply to tell you what you owe each year. Our Tax Shielding Check-Up ensures you are efficiently and effectively winning the tax game personally and professionally, so you can focus on growing your business and keeping your profits.

What Our Clients Have To Say