
Ensign Partners

Dental Professionals

Minimizing Risk

As a Dental Professional, you work hard to provide patients with the perfect smile. Focused on serving others, it is easy to overlook protecting the assets you have worked so hard to build. Our Risk Management Check-Up will verify your level of risk of personal risk, as well as those of your practice, protecting your income, assets, and planning for unexpected expenses. Our team plugs any gaps that might exist to ensure you remain financially on track to reach the goals you and your family deserve.

Maximizing Wealth

For many Dental Professionals, investment into years of schooling and hard work lead to building a prosperous practice. As your income and the value of your practice grows, so does your net worth. Our Wealth Management Check-Up will verify alignment of your personal/professional assets with your personal/professional goals, maximizing opportunities to increase your wealth along the way.

Fortifying Legal

Taxes are a burden that increase as your practice and income grow. You need a tax team that explores every tax strategy possible to reduce taxes in systemic ways, not simply to tell you what you owe each year. Our Tax Shielding Check-Up is designed to ensure you are efficiently and effectively winning the tax game personally and professionally so you can focus on the important work you do for others.

Shielding Tax

Taxes are a burden that increase as your income and assets grow. You need a tax team that explores every tax strategy possible to reduce taxes in systemic ways, not simply to tell you what you owe each year. Our Tax Shielding Check-Up is designed to ensure you are efficiently and effectively winning the tax game personally and professionally so you can focus on the important work you do for others.

What Our Clients Have To Say