Pre/Early Retirees
Minimizing Risk
As a Pre/Early Retiree, you have worked hard to save money for retirement, and you are ready to enjoy life’s next phase. Focused on having enough assets, it is easy to overlook protecting the assets you have been diligently growing over your lifetime. Our Risk Management Check-Up will verify your level of risk to protect your assets, your income, and plan for unforeseen costly medical expenses.
Maximizing Wealth
For many Pre/Early Retirees, investing money and growing wealth without a company pension plan has been difficult. Now that your investments grown, it is time to ensure we can distribute those assets over your lifetime without running out of funds. Our Wealth Management Check-Up will verify alignment of your personal assets to provide maximum income in retirement.
Fortifying Legal
The need to plan and protect our estate with proper legal planning increases as we age. Legal issues can be a threat to the plans we have worked a lifetime to put in place. Our Legal Fortification Check-Up protects your estate from bankruptcies and unscrupulous attorneys, allowing you to preserve of your assets and leave the legacy you desire.
Shielding Tax
Unforeseen taxes in retirement are a threat to vital income necessary to live. You need a tax team that explores every tax strategy possible to reduce taxes in systemic ways, not simply to tell you what you owe each year. Our Tax Shielding Check-Up is designed to ensure you are efficiently and effectively distributing your assets in retirement, to maximize income by reducing your tax burden.